All shades of colors located on the breeders color card are accepted egg colors of true Ameraucana. It can be a bit of a late starter, so don’t expect your eggs at 18-20 weeks. Nutritional Value of Eggs – Are Free Range Eggs Better for You? How to Store Eggs. Add to Favorites . Several specimens of Araucana were shipped to the US in the 1930s and work began on improving the breed. Some people do have their Araucana is slightly more-confined locations, but this isn’t really recommended. It takes a ton of experience to try and get Araucana chicks to hatch. Color cards can be purchased through the breeders club. This leads to a high chick mortality rate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They are certainly not going to be the best chicken breed in the world of egg-laying. Modern Araucana Chickens are a cross of at least two main lineages, one, a tail-less blue egg layer and one a relatively unknown now extinct wild ear tufted bird with a tail, that lays a pink or brownish egg. Araucanas. What accounts for the difference in egg color in true blue-egg-layer Ameraucanas? Araucanas that meet the breed standard are rumpless and tufted, however they are exceptionally difficult to breed because the tufted gene can cause a high percentage of the chicks to die in their shells. One of the reasons many people still opt for this bird breed is the fact that they lay blue eggs. It lays blue-shelled eggs, one of very few breeds that do so. It isn’t prone to getting in many fights over territory in the coop. The original “blue gene” comes from the Araucana chicken, which was bred into the Ameraucana chickens. The colour of eggshells is the result of pigments being deposited during egg formation within the oviduct. The native tribe of Mapuche Indians had been breeding and domesticating these birds for many years before they were discovered by civilization. Bear in mind that many so-called Araucanas are themselves crosses. If you see her, say hi for me. The latter eggs are particularly popular at Halloween. Types of Chickens that Lay Colored Eggs. In the case of the Rhode Island Red, the brown pigment protoporphyrin, derived from haemoglobin in the blood, is what gives the shell its light brown colour. Blue X White (eg, Leghorn) = Blue The South American Araucana is considered to be the first blue egg layer in the Western hemisphere. This results in blue or bluish-green eggs. It's a rare breed with much controversy and numerous challenges. You don’t need to do much with them that is different from other chickens. Whilst the breeders succeeded the chickens they created were a mixed bag. Araucana chicks can be born without tails or There are more than 60 breeds of chickens recognized by the American Poultry Association and hundreds of other chicken breeds that have been developed worldwide — many of whom lay gorgeous eggs in a rainbow of hues ranging from white to cream, … This can vary, but usually, the Ameraucana chicken appears as the result of breeding between two Ameraucana parents or the Araucana and another dark brown egg … I have noticed that sellers will take a picture and the eggs looks really blue, but to the naked eye and in person they appear green both indoors and outside. Araucana eggs are blue, a very pretty blue, but not as blue as robin eggs. The Araucana chicken is an easy bird to raise. Araucana chicken eggs have become an increasingly common sight at the farmers’ market over the past few years, but even so, the pale blue shells never … So, if you are planning to raise and breed chickens in your backyard, then the Araucana chicken is probably not for you. However, there is a faulty gene with this breed. This new card has taken those digitally analyzed colors and gone a step further. The blue colour of an Araucana egg is created from a bile pigment as the egg shell is made. Some people have noted that their Araucana chickens have been quite nervous and can be a bit temperamental on occasion. Araucana chicken is a very beautiful breed and also known for their ability to lay colored eggs. Colors can range from greyish or even violet-blue to turquoise or greenish-blue. In fact, once this bird hit the United States, it eventually was bred into a completely new breed; the Amerecauna, which was one of the most-popular chickens during the early 20th Century, and certainly one of the most popular of the backyard chicken breeds. (You can tell of an Araucana egg is truly a blue egg by looking at the interior of the shell.) How Long Do Araucana Chickens Lay Eggs? Ameraucanas come in a mini version too! Shell colour is the result of the pigments called porphyrins being deposited while the eggs are in the process of formation. In addition to this, the Araucana chicken has no tail feathers. They love to be free-range. The Araucana egg shell colour being blue makes no difference internally at all. If you do get an Araucana chicken, then it is important that they have a lot of space available to them. They have both beards and muffs. Children are often fascinated to learn that you can rub off the eggshell colour if you get to the egg as it is laid and while it is still damp. The Araucana comes in black, black red, silver duckwing, white, and golden duckwing. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Eggs laid per year and color. In fact, they are quite hardy as animals. Chicken Breed Information - Araucana - Araucanas are exceptionally rare and have their origins in South America, although they were developed here in the US. Ameraucana have pea combs and wattles are small to almost non-existent. The origin of the Araucana is still up for debate, however many believe they originated in Chile. Blue X Brown (eg, RIR) = Green You will also be pleased to know that the Araucana is a fairly docile breed of chicken. Sure, they do have a genetic trait that can cause death before hatching, but once they are out of that egg, there are very, very few health issues that can bring them to their knees. The Araucana (Spanish: Gallina Mapuche) is a breed of domestic chicken from Chile. In fact, when it was first ‘discovered’ by a Spanish man he figured that this was a completely new species of bird. It is a moderately good layer, producing about 3–4 medium sized eggs/week. Saving Money – Economics of Home Produced Eggs, Selling Your Surplus Eggs from Home – Farm Gate Egg Sales, What to do with Surplus Eggs? All eggs are initially white. Imagine the excitement of peering into your nesting boxes and finding a rainbow of different colored eggs every day. At the height of the years where the chicken will be laying the egg, you would be lucky to get more than 5 eggs from your hen each week. The former card provided reference to all the potential colors that had been observed from Araucana flocks around the world. Selling cartons of different coloured eggs is popular with small producers. Here are a few common chickens breeds that are known to lay colored eggs: 1. The Araucana chicken is probably going to lay about 5 eggs per week, although this will vary based upon the hen that you have. More Information SPECIAL OFFER, Build Your Own Artificial Lighting System for Winter Egg Production. The original shell colour of Araucana eggs is blue, but a variety of colours have been produced by crossing Araucanas with other breeds, as follows. The Araucana chicken is probably one of the rarest chicken breeds in the United States, particularly when it comes to hatching backyard chickens. You’ll never find two Easter Eggers that look qui… Nutritionally they are the same You’d be surprised though how many people still think that brown eggs come from free-range hens while white ones come from batteries! The type of pigment depends upon the breed and is genetically determined. With the Araucana as one parent, that leaves the question of what the other parent breed of the Ameraucana chickens might be. It is one of the more unique-looking chicken breeds around. Ameraucana Eggs and Egg-Laying. Once they have hatched, then it is easy to raise them. In the Araucana’s case, when liver pigment is deposited simultaneously with the calcium carbonate (which is white) so that the whole egg is blue i.e. You can see the color variation between an (L to R) Olive Egger, Easter Egger and Ameraucana egg below. The chicken is never going to be completely happy like that. The main ‘feature’ of the chicken is the little tufts that come out of their cheeks. The breed was first introduced into the APA in 1976. Many araucana's lay greenish eggs as araucanas have been out-crossed. Most breeders are focusing on fairly similar Ameraucauna chickens. New Egg Color Reference Card now available at in the merchandise section of the webpage. The Ameraucana is an excellent chicken bred for egg-laying purposes. Egg Color Chart - Find Out What Egg Color Your Breed Lays Author Cats … Ameraucanas and Araucanas are purebred chickens, each with their own set of traits and appearances laying only blue eggs. The different colored chicken eggs of the Araucana chicken are highly desirable! These original Araucana imports were described as having ear tufts (long feathers sticking out near the ears), being rumpless and laying eggs with pale blue shells. 3. Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and Easter Eggers are often lumped into one category and it is a common misconception that all three of these breeds are the same breed. As a result, it is pretty tough to find somebody that will breed this bird for you. Of course, this ‘featured’ ended up being bred into other chickens once the Araucana hit the United States. Dr. Bustos about one hundred years ago in Chile, South America … … It may seem strange now, but blue eggs were not always popular. The idea was to eliminate their lethal genes and retain their blue egg laying capability. Blue X Blue = Blue Araucana chickens on the ground getting plenty of minerals and nutrients will have darker orange egg yolks. Araucana. The Araucana chicken originates in Chile. Araucana Chickens and Egg Laying. Araucana chicken eggs are green and blue and are the most common. This is a chicken that loves to explore. The Araucana is a clean-legged chicken, unlike the Brahma chicken, and the color of their legs may vary depending upon the color of the chicken. In 1933, Professor Punnett demonstrated that the blue egg factor is a dominant gene (genetic symbol O). This is a simplification, of course, and there is a considerable range of blue – green – olive hues, depending on the genetic make-up of the breeds involved. An Araucana egg (left) with white and brown eggs for comparison. The Ameraucana is beloved for its’ light blue eggs. Some refer to this as ‘rumpless’. Araucanas lay blue eggs, and on average they lay 260 eggs annually. Araucana In 1925 a breed of chicken discovered in Chile was introduced into the United States as the Araucana, after a region of Chile called Araucania by Spanish conquerors. The Egg Lady on Dable Road in Mukwonago, Wisconsin has quite a good business selling Araucana eggs. Its name derives from the Araucanía region of Chile where it is believed to have originated. The Ameraucana and Araucana chickens both produce a blue egg. Our bestselling book! The ability to lay blue eggs was the main reason for breeding Araucana chicken. Bantam Araucanas lay amazingly large eggs. They are blue egg layers with yellow skin, no tails, no beards and no muffs. The APA recognizes five colors of Araucana: Black, Black Breasted … In the USA and Spain white eggs are preferred. See more:– Ameraucana Chicken– Araucana VS Ameraucana. The Easter Eggers will lay many colors of eggs from blue to green to sometimes brown. Basically, the back of the bird is completely rounded off. Named after the Araucana region of Chile, where these chickens supposedly evolved, the Araucana chicken lays gorgeous blue eggs. The type of pigment depends upon the breed and is genetically determined. A pale blue egg will not be as difficult to evaluate in the sunlight because the Sunlight is reflected directly off the external surface because of the lighter color. They are one of a few breeds of chicken, together with the Ameraucana that does this. Blue X Dark Brown (eg, Maran) = Olive Brown. Some folks reported they had waited 5-7 months before any eggs appeared. The British Araucana Club claim that pure araucanas should lay blue eggs. The color of the eggshell does not change the taste of an egg, the quality of food a chicken eats and their lifestyle is what affects taste. If you look at the inside of an Aruacana shell it is blue unlike a brown egg whose inside is white. This is, mostly, down to the fact that it is a difficult chicken to breed. The new card has been redesigned. The eggs ha… However, of course, the related Ameracauna chicken will also do the same, so you should go down that route if you can. How the blue egg happens is very interesting: there is another autosomal dominant gene that governs egg shell color. Some producers of brown speckled eggs prefer not to use wood shavings as a nest box liner because they smear the markings before they have a chance to set. The colour of eggshells is the result of pigments being deposited during egg formation within the oviduct. Each of these tufts is completely unique to these chickens. At the time, this was one of the few breeds of chicken that was known to lay blue eggs. Well, at least for those who want eggs regularly. It is certainly a very unique look when you combine it with the tufts. This breed was created by mixing two other breeds (the Collonocas and the Quetros). There are 5 recognized Araucana color varieties by the American Poultry Assosiation: Black; White; Black Breasted Red; Golden Duckwing; Silver Duckwing; Araucana Chicken Eggs and Egg Laying. The tufts look almost like whiskers. Most people in Britain prefer brown-shelled eggs – at least they did until Delia Smith mentioned white eggs on one of her TV cookery programmes. It is the same as raising any other chicken. In past times blue eggs have been promoted as having less cholesterol and more protein. Double Yolk Eggs – What Causes Double Yolk Eggs? The blue laying gene is a genetic anomaly possibly caused by a retrovirus or way back in the evolution of the Araucana breed. When crossed with any other breed of chicken the Araucana Chickens offspring will produce a variety of colored eggs from greenish blue to green, pink, and yellow. They are a great chicken to raise for a new backyard chicken owner. The problem is that these tufts can cause issues when the chicken is growing inside of the egg. If you see eggs that are khaki or olive in color, it might suggest that the hens were crossed with other chickenbreeds. This factor is also an indication of the relative purity of the stock in relation to original Araucanas. Although the chick will hatch out of a blue egg that looks identical to an Ameraucana egg, the chick will inherit appearance traits of both parents and grow up to lay olive eggs eggs. One of the major downsides of the Araucana chickens is the fact that they are a very, very difficult chicken to breed. Although, this actually does seem to be based on where your chicken was bred. Interestingly, the colour goes right through the shell, making the eggs difficult to candle during incubation. It is also going to be quite accepting when you approach it. It’s possible for example to have a 6-pack carton containing a dark brown speckled egg (Speckledy or Maran); a pure white (White Star or White Leghorn); a pinkish-brown (Rhode Island Red); a creamy white (Ancona or Vorwerk); a mid-brown (Black Rock or Barnevelder); and a bluish-green (Araucana or Cream Legbar). Araucana Chicken Colors. This means that each of them can look completely different. Easter Eggersare easy to find just about anywhere for a rather affordable price. This was simply a market ploy to get people interested in blue eggs. Egg color: Blue or blue-green Egg size: Medium Age of lay: 6 months Eggs/week: 2-5 Eggs/year: 150-250 (depends on the strain) Although most Araucana chickens will start laying around 6 months of age, some may take up to 10 or even 12 months. As a result, we do not recommend that you opt for this chicken if you are a backyard chicken enthusiast. – Egg Descriptions Explained, Marketing Your Surplus Eggs – How to Sell Your Eggs. Once dried, no amount of rubbing or washing will remove it. There are 5 recognized Araucana color varieties by the American Poultry Assosiation: One of the reasons many people still opt for this bird breed is the fact that they lay blue eggs. The Araucana produces a pigment called oocyanin, which is a product of bile formation. Contrary to the blue-green egg of the Araucana hen which is tinted throughout the thickness of the shell, one realizes when one breaks a Marans egg that the internal colour of the shell is perfectly white, offering an unexpected contrast, and given its colouring right before laying, is … Know Your Eggs? The darker colored varieties of this chicken may have black or blue legs. However, we thought it would be wise to run you through some of the features of this bird. If you’re interested in a smaller version … Araucanas can possess ear tufts, which are feathers that grow from a slender, fleshy flap just below the ear. Easter Eggers are fun because you never know what color egg each hen will lay until she starts laying, and even identical-looking hens often lay varying shades of bluish or greenish eggs. This is how the breed really took off in the 1970's as hatcheries advertised them as the Easter egg birds that laid multicolored eggs. With no known hereditary health issues and assuming they have all their basic needs met, Araucana chickens have a life expectancy of 7-8 years. In addition, there are several mutt breeds that produce a lighter blue or a green-tinted egg. Easter Eggers are no specific breed with no specific standards for their breed and can lay eggs of any color from pink to green to blue! These birds are a bit more basic than the Araucanas and they don’t have issues with lethal genes. Eyes are a reddish bay color. 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