At least 21 reading of Glazier of this portion may represent the Western text. Epp, Theological Tendency, p. 40, says, ‘Differences and only the differences reveal the distinctive driving force and direction of movement of a … Bruce Metzger The Text of the New Testament 4th ed. But Read-Heimerdinger notes the term recalls the Dead Sea Scrolls where “lots” indicates a democratic process, i.e. 5.2.1. When Jesus is a boy spending time in the Temple, typical translations of Luke 2:33 have Mary “amazed” or “astonished” at his absence. Codex Bezae: An Early Christian Manuscript and Its Text. Its value is discussed elsewhere. Early Christians were already judging — the very activity Jesus had warned against. In John 1:1–8:38 Codex Sinaiticus differs from Vaticanus and all other Alexandrian manuscripts. To work on the Sabbath merits death (Exo 31:14–15; Num 15:32–36). Read-Heimerdinger writes: That is not to say that the author is negative or disparaging but rather that he shows his ‘heroes’ as learning and growing in understanding. Mary is being compared, through the same phrase, to Jael in Judges 5:24, who is “most blessed of women . All three methods were applied to the same set of seventy-three readings from John 4:1–42. Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (hereafter referred to as D) is one of the most diverse manuscripts and has fascinated scholars for centuries with its many peculiar and notable read-ings. The Old Latin Codex Floriacensis (designated by h), is also lacking in this section up to 9:24a, and after 9:24a. For each section of Acts, there is a side by side translation of the Bezan and Alexandrian manuscripts, followed by a critical apparatus and, finally, a commentary that explores the differences in the message of the two texts. A further innovative feature is that the text is presented according to two important Gospel manuscripts, Codex Bezae and Codex Vaticanus, rather than the usual eclectic edition of the Greek New Testament. The Impossible Future of Christians in the Middle East, How Christian Authoritarianism Threatens American Values, Why I Believe Pledging Allegiance to A Political Party Hurts the Christian Witness, The Covenant Structure of the Great Commission, “The One and Only God”: A Mormon Christology of Radical Inclusion. xlix-lxiii; Nestle, Novi Test. Although based on the Greek text, the commentary aims to be accessible to those who are not familiar with Greek. When you grow up Christian, you’re told the Bible is darn near as God wrote it. It is the subtleness and the intricacy of the Jewish resonances and allusions in the Bezan text of Acts which mark its point of view as something very different, as expressing its message from within Judaism.”. There is no translation of the Bezae Codex as yet. As Read-Heimerdinger writes: “In the Bezan text, Paul does not emerge as a hero but rather as a flawed, very human character . D departs more widely than any other Greek codex from the ordinary text, compared with which as a standard, it is characterized by numerous additions, paraphrastic renderings, inversions, and some omissions. This papyrus fragment, also known as “P52,” is encased within a climate-controlled cabinet located inside the John Rylands Library of Manchester, England. This Jewishness to Luke’s writings points, for her, to the Bezae Codex being older than previous Bibles, and relying on knowledge which later Christians didn’t possess. Walter Wink translates: On the same day he saw someone working on the Sabbath and said to him: ‘anthrope’ (Human Being), if you know what you are doing, you are blessed; but if you do not know, you are cursed and a transgressor of the law.”, This is startling, for Jesus seems to offer here an exit out of observance of the law. Perhaps it is this notorious uniqueness of Codex Bezae that has generally prevented editors from predicting accurately the majority readings in 05 in the examples given here. In Luke 24:13, Jesus meets two men on the ‘road to Emmaus’. It is in closer agreement with Codex Bezae in support of the Western text-type. This is quite different from Christian tradition, which loves the idea of all-knowing men in control. In a cover letter, as Ernst Bammel notes, Beza “hinted that it might be more fit to be stored away than to be published.”. 12. Codex Glazier is an important witness for reconstruction the Western text for this portion. Codex Bezae has a lacuna in 8:29-10:14. The Bezae Codex adds a line after 6:4, which shifts to another scene. But the Latin column of Codex Bezae, like the Greek, sides with א B L W 1 131 700 1241 1582* and the versions S s S h mg C s C b (mss.) Where, in textual criticism, the Alexandrian text-type is the normative, D is a landmark within the “Western” text-type. Then Paul’s journey is long and conflicted. “votes.”. The manuscript fragment was among a group acquired on the Egyptian market in 1920, but not translated until 1934. His book is a comparison of the message of Acts transmitted by Codex Bezae with that of the more familiar Alexandrian text, represented by Codex Vaticanus. The fragment contains words from the account of Jesus’ trial before Pilate. The Codex Bezae has Oulammaous, which is the place where Jacob, in the Greek text of Genesis 28:19, has a dream of a ladder to Heaven. Many later discussions could have been affected by this passage. Apologetics. Like the scene of Paul and Barnabas going to Jerusalem.