Apparently, Edith says Arthur's money is dirty (she's not wrong) and refused to take it. The map below will show where 12 of the enemies are. While Arthur Morgan's story may have taken him to the extreme, these Red Dead Redemption 2 missions are practically impossible. Your best bet here is Dead Eye, so hopefully you have a lot of restorative items because you'll likely need them. This is all about the path you take and knowing where the enemies you need to kill are. This has a fairly significant effect on the outcome of the story, so make sure you choose whichever feels best to you. However, Rains Fall will actually give you a very good reward if you choose to use stealth and recover the sacred items without killing anyone. Most of the requirements are very easy, but the time limit is incredibly tight and the first five minutes of this mission or so is nothing but cutscenes and dialogues. Sadie needs Arthur's help clearing out the last of the O'Driscolls. Either way, once you're on the back of the wagon inspect the small box to recover the vaccine. Ride off with everyone else to war. You'll need to be quick with this, but you can keep doing this over and over and since the accuracy requirement is only 80% you can afford to miss a couple shots. Block and then repeatedly punch until your target blocks again. Keep fighting for as long as you need to until you hit your headshot total, and then retreat to the back of the cliff. You won't be able to talk to him for long though, because Dutch interrupts to tell you about his new plan. Block as often as you can and Micah won't be able to hit you. So the three of you disguise yourselves to attend the hanging in person. From here on out, you need to track Sadie as she moves through Van Horn. Do this to one target and then quickly do it to the other. Arthur and Dutch will flee now, so run over to your horse. He'll thank you for your help, and give you an extremely useful item if you manage to complete the mission without killing any of the soldiers. There aren't any enemies after this, so there is no need to be stingy with your Dead Eye. Once they're dead, the rest of the ride in is uneventful. As soon as you seen them moving out, activate it and then lock in a headshot before they can duck back in. Having Dutch and Micah nearby makes things even easier, but the cramped area actually should make things pretty simple for you. When you see wolves feasting on a horse, you can ignore them and they'll run off. We are going to run behind all of these buildings here until we reach the north end of town. Again, this technique takes practice so if you haven’t mastered it yet you will need to either move on to another mission for more experience or just keep trying until you get it right. Of course, you can wait until the Epilogue to finish things off, but there will be new things to do in the Epilogue as well so you may want to wrap things up now for the most part. It drops very slowly, so you should have plenty of time to readjust as needed. Dutch and Sadie will be waiting for you. I mean, I like Rains Fall and all, but riding around hearing the exact same dialogue isn't a lot of fun and you can very easily fail one of the two requirements if you aren't careful. Take aim at the soldiers below. The guy on top of the train will shoot John (jerk) and you'll need to headshot him during the automatic Dead Eye sequence. There is a single guard right at the start and then a guard just past him on the next walkway. And then a boat! As soon as you can, back out of the binoculars and begin walking straight down towards the camp. Unwilling to accept Arthur's money, Edith Downes continues to sell her body. Question spoiler. VIP Members don't see Ads. Dutch just sort of leaves you there (thanks, pal! Now move left further and down a bit. Your aim might drift a bit since you are moving here, so just be careful of that. You can pick either you want, but once you do focus on the enemies directly in front of you and keep moving without stopping to deal with any on the opposite walkway. Keep killing guards as they appear on the bridge until Sadie prompts you to run again. If you are going for a complete compendium (*gulp*), you should have made significant progress by now and should have ticked off around 3/4 of the entire thing if not more. Once you get back, you just need to ride your horse back to camp. Row towards the objective marker, and then when you get close to the boat paddle up along side it so everyone can climb aboard. You'll now make your way down a trail and this is where you want to make frequent use of your Dead Eye. It is easier on your first playthrough where you have Dead Eye restoring items, because unlike a lot of other missions you do not have the time to stop and loot enemies here. Grab some dynamite from the box and then run over to one of the three marked areas on your map. Stay behind cover initially and pick off the O'Driscolls as they cross the river. Wait until the patrol moves past you (he sort of circles around in a counterclockwise fashion), and then move towards the middle of camp. Exit it again and do the same to the other guy who was on the wagon. But that stuff is for just a bit later. The only two enemies you need to worry about being poached from you are the two guys at the very end. Head on down now, and feel free to explore the mine a bit as this is one of the few times you can go in without the guards getting all angry at you. Just ride as fast as you can and no one will catch you as you try to escape. Keep an eye out to your left as five men on horseback will come running down through here. Your walking speed here is painfully slow, and jumping over and over will get you to your destination a couple of seconds quicker. Instead, go into Dead Eye and headshot the guy on the right. Drop down on the roof where Arthur spots the gun case. If accepted, you can find the mission marker up in the Wapiti Indian Reservation. Go over to the objective marker and press the indicated button to start lowering the dynamite. After you jump back on the train, there is only one more thing you need to do. Hold down the right trigger all the way to elevate quickly, and the game will immediately take you back to shore once you hit a good enough altitude. For some reason neither driver will notice you climbing on the back. The first enemy you run into during the escape will be a man on horseback. This seems like an epic confrontation, but at each position you only have to fight a handful of guys and it makes things fairly easy in comparison to some of the previous missions. Turn right past this and you will find an open tent (that is just a roof) that you can walk right through. Feel free to take a potent health cure if you found one earlier to make things a bit safer. You can use Dead Eye here if you need help getting the guy on the water tower as there are more than enough targets coming up to help fill it back up. Right after you finish this fight, you'll cross over the train to the other side of the tracks. Going For Gold: The gold medal requirements here are not that bad, and the only thing you really need to do is get through the train relatively quickly and you should be able to get the gold. The Chapter 6 mission “Our Best Selves” which you get from Dutch is the mission that kicks off the Red Dead Redemption 2 point of no return. Paytah will be in the general direction of a wagon fighting with a soldier in hand to hand combat. You aren't in too much danger here, but follow the prompts from Sadie and keep an eye on your mini-map to see where the enemies are coming from. There are two phases to this fight. Go into the marked building and head to the second floor to find a window to look out of. She tells you not to kill any fat guys with bears as she wants that target, but you don't have to worry about that as the person she's looking for will be in the building she goes into. Use remaining Dead Eye to score headshots on your pursuers as needed, but otherwise just lock on to your enemies and kill them with a couple of quick shots to the torso. Run behind the building on the other side of the street, and turn rights you are now on the western edge of Van Horn. The first, where you are just picking them off from on top of the hill, and then the second where a small group runs up the side and tries to fight you directly. You can quickly move the right analog stick up to try and get a headshot, or you can just fire off a quick chest shot instead. This part is fairly easy, so you may not have to use Dead Eye unless you are having issues aiming. Eastward Bound. You can afford to miss shots here, especially if you were fairly accurate during the earlier sniper section, so if you are taking too much damage clear out the closest enemies as quickly as you can. Going For Gold: This is another mission where, if you're just going for the trophy, it makes more sense to skip. You'll automatically climb on top of one, and it will now be time to ride out. Run to the top of the lighthouse to get into position. While doing this, run the entire time. The bigger issue is a group of reinforcements that will make their way up the hill from the side. Once the group in front of you is dead, change your position so you are instead taking cover in the opposite direction. Since you are likely to be very close to their head anyway, this shouldn’t use up much Dead Eye. He'll notice two guards out front. She will only stay in cover for ten or so seconds before saying this line, and that should be your cue that its time to move on. Go to the one closest to you and climb on it. Try to keep a running total in your head so you know if you are running short by the end, as you can stay in cover during the final ambush and you should be able to get more headshots in before running off to end the sequence. After killing Cornwall, reach the horses within 2 minutes 45 seconds. Go into Dead Eye and make sure you get two shots on the horses head and neck are to make sure you kill it. No one will be able to hit you, so just make sure you are getting off clean shots and not hitting any of the debris that is laying around. Since you’re closer to the bottom, it will automatically trigger the scene where you and Dutch jump off the cliff after enough of the enemies have been killed. Plant the dynamite within 1 minute 35 seconds. There will be more Pinkerton agents here. 1; 2; 3; Next. There will be more men on horseback riding through the field now, but as long as you stay behind cover this part isn't too dangerous. Keep an eye on the mini-map to see where they may be coming from and keep using Dead Eye to get as many headshots here as you can until you run out. Focus on your mini-map to see where enemies are coming from, and try to kill them as soon as you have a good shot. Follow him and he'll lead you to the cells. More of this sort of thing: Red Dead Redemption 2 – How to repeat missions? Two guys will attack you, but you can actually ignore the other guy entirely. You'll know when an area is cleared out because Dutch and Micah will start to move again, so just follow their lead and thin the enemy numbers. Charles will note their position and tell you not to shoot their horses as you can use them to escape. This is a good time to use Dead Eye and you should be able to clear everyone out quickly even though you aren't in cover. Keep walking forward after leaving the doctor's office, and as soon as you get far enough away you will finish the mission. This includes The Veteran which will be available at the start of the chapter by O'Creagh's Run in Ambarino and Charlotte Balfour, Widow which is found in the northeast corner of the map and will also be available at the start of the chapter. Charles will take one of these horses and ride Eagle Flies back to his father. Chapter 6 Save Game – Red Dead Redemption 2. just my save game thought it might useful. Arthur promises to attempt to stop this by going down and retrieving the pipe for him. With him dead, just keep an eye on your mini-map to identify where the final enemies are at. You want to kill the man operating the Gatling gun as soon as you seen him, so either target him immediately or hide around the side of the one of the buildings so you are out of sight and kill all the other minor enemies that spill out from the train first. The rest of the mission is just about keeping your accuracy above 70% and not dying. It is a good idea to keep a running count in your head and try to end the mission when you’re around 40 or so. By the end of this chapter, you should have most of the map explored and most of the collectables gathered if you're going for 100%. At the second, there will be a fallen tree on your left. Here you can find a full Red Dead Redemption 2 Walkthrough of all Story Missions (Chapters) with All Gold Medals for 100% Completion. Move to the railing when this happens and follow the button prompt to get over to Dutch's horse. Dutch and Micah will lead you to the dock and tell you to duck behind some crates. Eagle Flies happens to know where the horses are at, so follow him over towards Van Horn. Oops. Prioritize these guys because they have easy shots on you while you're aiming at other people. Follow the trail on your mini-map to the train station. They will each take four hits to kill if using your pistol (which you should), so you can easily go 12/12 here. Go over to the objective marker and you'll find a ladder leading up to the next story. If you are halfway decent with the sniper rifle, the most difficult part of this mission will be keeping your accuracy above 70% which is very generous. There will likely be at least another enemy or two you can kill using some Dead Eye if you want and if you’re quick you can likely score seven headshots on this part alone. You will likely need to stand up to shoot it so you don't hit the railing, and a single arrow will be enough to cause a huge fire right where all the ammo is. Use the same method of popping out only to aim, trying for a quick headshot, and then immediately ducking back into cover. The sequence lasts for a while, so just move the cursor over his head for a nice, easy headshot. For now. Aim at your target to lock on to their torso, go into Dead Eye, and then lock on to their head for a guaranteed headshot. John will kill guys that are close to you and you don't need to risk missing and shots here. After riding off on your horse, there are two more quick fight sequences before you get to the big finale. They are outside of Valentine, a muddy livestock town, and are figuring out their next moves while re-gathering their strength. There are three guys back here that can cause a lot of problems if left alive, so kill them as quickly as you can. There are only four enemies here, so quickly pop out of cover and take them out. This chapter also has a bunch of optional missions, far more than in previous chapters. Prerequisite: A Fork In The Road AND Money Lending and Other Sins - V. Assuming you've been keeping up with the money lending side missions and have already finished A For in the Road, Strauss will have another mission for you waiting in camp. She wants to go and kill the last of the O'Driscolls, and she knows where they are hiding out. Taking this path you get you the sacred items within the time limit and without being seen, getting you the gold once you finish up the mission. Before Arthur can even voice his concern, you'll be interrupted again. Upon learning that Eagle Flies has been captured by the army, Arthur and Charles infiltrate Fort Wallace to rescue him. Keep this up to keep at a good altitude during the flight. The good news is that these two cover spots, the rock outside the gate and the boxes halfway through the yard, will almost guarantee you won't take damage. You will need to complete A Fork in the Road first, and it will only be available if you completed Brothers and Sisters, One and All back in Chapter 4. Enter, Pursued by a Memory. Sadie will be waiting for you northeast of Saint Denis. There will be a bigger group of enemies at the very top once you reach the outside, so if you've been saving your Dead Eye now would be a good time to use it. None of the beginning stuff here matters, so you can sort of take your time until you scope out the camp with binoculars. He will have jumped off by this point, but he will be completely stationary next to the wagon. Saving her falls to Arthur and Sadie. If they are hiding behind cover and taking too long to come out, you can move up toward them and just activate Dead Eye once they begin moving out of cover. As soon as you get close to the entrance, a sharpshooter will appear at the top of the barn. The other two will follow. I had read that skipping can be slightly glitchy here and messes with the timer slightly, and I don't know if I was biased after this or not, but I always seemed to get the requirement if I watched the cutscenes and fail it if I tried to skip it. There aren't too many enemies here, but they may be somewhat hard to locate because they are going to be shooting at you from a forested area with plenty of big rocks around as well. There aren't too many here, and Bill will help some, so just take your time and use Dead Eye to get some easy headshots. The missing two enemies are the final two mentioned above which Charles will verbally tell you about. The bad news is the cover is terrible and you will get shot a lot more frequently. After you block a couple of his attacks, you can attempt to break free and get back into the fight. You can either take the first rock on your right or the second one a little further down. Take the shot at this point to get the headshot. After reading Penelope's letter, you can ride all the way down to Braithwaite Manor to find her. Charles will now lead you to the back point of the fort, and he'll throw a rope the two of you use to climb in. As I said before, this is extremely tight so you need to know your path. As enemies arrive, they'll show up as the danger icons on your map so you can follow where they are at so keep monitoring your mini-map and looking in front of you. It is full of explosives that Dutch needs for his no good, very bad plan. Follow her as she heads to the ranch, and once she gets close she will toss a fire bottle to announce her presence. Don't waste time going for headshots. Polite Society, Valentine Style. 15 Nov, 2019 09:30. Preparing breadcrumbs… Search. Exit the Maxim gun and follow them. Complete within 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Soon the whole camp is rallied. That'll put you over the total number you need and none of the numbers are unreasonable considering the number of targets you'll be fighting. Arthur and John will have one more conversation about the future of the gang and then part ways for now. Start off shooting the guards on top of the prison. You should loot the two guards out back though and every guard during the stealth section as they can drop health cures and horse medicine to make things even easier. Get 7 headshots while covering Sadie from the lighthouse. Again, you want to be moving the entire time you’re in here, going for kills as quickly as you can and tanking damage as needed. Keep whistling until your horse gets to you and then climb up and quickly ride to the objective marker. Once this group has been cleared out, Dutch runs off to find Micah. Micah gives chase to one of the men carrying orders, while Dutch comes out to negotiate with Cornwall. You now need to alternate between holding down either of the shoulder buttons to lower the crate down a bit further. You're going to go sliding down some of the cliff face here, but that is fine as it will save you a lot of time compared to taking the actual path. Once you kick it in, you'll start the next segment and can ignore everyone else out here. Take out your bow and shoot one in the head, and Charles will kill the other. The general path you should be taking is shown below. He'll compliment you for not shooting them if you go the non-violent route here. Walk with him until he directs you to Rains Fall's tent, and go to the objective marker to go inside. For now, we have a bridge to blow up! Captain Monroe will ride off after that, giving you the chance to complete the mission with Rains Fall first. Again, keep close to the rest of the group and stay in cover to ensure you are receiving minimal damage. Pick it up and then locate John. You can help if you want, but make sure you aren't missing too many shots. The hardest part of this mission, surprisingly, is during the horse escape. It is probably one of the ten hardest gold medals to get in the game, so you can safely skip it and have plenty of gold medals on much easier missions to get to seventy if you want. That's because no matter how long I stayed, I was never really able to clear out enough guards and they would always kill me when I made a run for the boat myself. Follow along on the path now, running the entire way, until you are at the outskirts of the camp. We want to use almost no Dead Eye during this segment, and you want to keep your 80% accuracy total in mind. Most of the train will play out in this way, with groups of two or three showing up at a time as you move forward. From there, you will need to start making your way forward with the rest of the group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. When you climb on the boat, just walk behind the guy right in front of you and knock him out. There will be a couple of cutscenes here, and an automatic Dead Eye sequence. There are four in total that Dutch will plant, and after you attach the wire to the last one, Eagle Flies will call you back up. These are the only two that Charles will shoot, and you do not want him to do that, especially if you know you haven't quite hit 15 enemies yet. Bill hands over a nice new shiny sniper rifle, and the two of you decide that he'll go play dead and you will take out the people on the coach when they stop to see what's happening. Kill only the ones that are close by and focus on riding as fast as you can. There are 16 different Main Story Missions that players can complete as they play through the final Chapter of RDR2… Manually lock on to their head and pull the trigger. Luckily, Sadie has a plan and she leads you right to it - a hot air balloon! This may sound easy, but it is tough, especially on replays where your Dead Eye is likely a lot lower than where it was during your story playthrough. Let go until it goes back to the tick marker, and then hold down again until you are at the halfway spot. With your medical emergency more or less tended to for the time being, you can finally head back to the saloon and meet up with Sadie. Prerequisite: Money Lending and Other Sins - VI. However you do it, return to Rains Fall by following the objective marker on your map once you are finished. Kill him quickly and then climb down the ladder. Prerequisite: The King's Son, The Bridge To Nowhere, AND Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow - I. It will get you the items with time to spare, which is nice, and it is almost impossible to alert the guards from this way. You may find it easier here to just go for two quick chest shots as that will be just as deadly and you don’t have to worry about missing nearly as much. You cannot afford to miss too much though as they can overrun your position and then will be able to easily do some damage to you. Use Dead Eye as much as you can to help stabilize your shots and a single shot to the head or chest will be enough to kill anyone here. Pop out of cover by aiming at a target of your choice and take a nice safe torso shot. At camp, you can equip your bolt action rifle for its high accuracy and kill a couple of enemies while waiting for John to move into the cave. You'll immediately be in cover, and there will be two guards at the back of the train that start shooting. Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods. A shootout will start now, and fortunately you start it behind some crates. Use Dead Eye here for sure, as it will make it a lot easier to deal with foes on horseback (and turning around and aiming for too long is a great way to accidentally run into a tree while you're not looking). Arthur Morgan and Bill Williamson in a shootout Listed below are the storyline missions in Red Dead Redemption 2. It's less accurate this way, so don't waste too many shots as we still need 70% accuracy. When you get there, the two of you will dissuade Abigail from tagging along and then head off. First, you'll need to complete Visiting Hours. If you take the lead, pull out your bow and kill him with a single headshot. With John assumed dead, and Abagail captured by Pinkertons, Dutch cuts them loose, and rides for Beaver Hollow. The other requirement you need to worry about is getting three headshots while on horseback at the end of the mission. This is especially useful when you are all the way on the other end of town as it can be kind of hard to tell exactly where a target's head is sometimes. From cover, you can probably kill three or four enemies without having to move from your starting position.