//move [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the selection's contents. //pos1 - Set selection position #1 to the block above the one that you are standing on. //expand - Expands the selection in the direction that you are looking. //repl - Switch to the block replacer tool. //pumpkins [size] - Make a pumpkin forest. //expand [direction] - Expands the selection in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down). //size - Change the size of the current brushes. //replace - Replace all non-air blocks blocks inside the region. //outset [-hv] - Outset the selection in every direction. //removenear [block] [size] - Remove blocks near you. //undo [number of steps (default – last)] - Undo your last action. Create a cuboid selection by selecting two opposing corner blocks with the WorldEdit wand item, which is a wooden axe. //wand This command gives you the WorldEdit wand, or better known as ‘the wooden axe’ (Hey, it’s in preview picture!) //chunkinfo - Get the filename of the chunk that you are in. Im making a big build and I dont want to be placing every single slab. WorldEdit is a powerful block editing tool. - Create a sphere. All these commands use your current position, but you can toggle it to use your first selection position by using the /toggleplace command. The clipboard flips about a plane perpendicular to the direction specified, through the center of the clipboard. //cs